Artha Corporate Connect

During my 3-week, 3 continent tour I fell out of the habit of writing my daily blog posts. Even after I returned I kept putting off restarting until “tomorrow”. Then last night on the drive home, I heard Shashi Tharoor’s interview on the radio, announcing the launch of his latest book. During the interview, the RJ asked what advice he would give to budding writers that are just starting out their careers. His answer encouraged me to climb out of the procrastination vortex and start writing again. His exact words were, “the only advice I would give to a budding writer is to keep writing”.

So, thank you, Mr Tharoor… and here we go again!

Today Artha will be publicly testing out service for our 57 (soon to be 61) startups to connect with

  • Larger companies
  • Other startups in our portfolio
  • Legal, compliance and service professionals

Over the past 3-4 months, we have been testing this out internally with excellent results for the startups and companies that we connected them to. Now I am making a public announcement to invite companies of all sizes to look through our portfolio and see if they want to work with one or more of our companies. If you are interested, reach out to us on specifying which company you are interested in working with, and we will be happy to facilitate the connection.

This initiative will be led Artha’s very own networking ninja aka Sanjay Gandhi. He will be backed by the support of the Artha India Ventures & Artha Venture Fund investment teams.
