Scheduling a Weekly Visit to Menlo Park

I have inculcated a new habit of listening to podcasts during my morning routine replacing my old one of playing loud music to get me charged up for the day.  Today I heard Robin Sharma’s podcast – The Secret of Massively Creative People and loved his suggestion to create a “Menlo Park” i.e. a place where one can disconnect from the world and give way for the creative side to express itself.  When I started thinking about it I realised that my best work, especially the things that require me to concentrate viz. investor updates, blog posts, long emails, developing or understanding complex financial models, etc. have all come while I was completely disconnected from the world. I was either on a long flight or holed up in a hotel room.  This powerful suggestion has me deeply enveloped in thought and I am strongly motivated (and encouraging entrepreneurs) to schedule a visit to Menlo Park every week. Would love to hear if anyone has tried doing this and what results they were able to accomplish.  
