Category: Learning
Finding silver linings
The history of sports and wars is replete with moments of inspiration.
Flashback Friday: United Mobile Apps
United Mobile Apps (UMA) developed and published mobile applications software.
21 Point Action Plan to Corona-Proof Your Startup Dream
Calling the shutdown caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, an economic crisis is a gross understatement.
My funding picks from last week (w05)
Categories: Entrepreneurship, Investments, Learning, My Funding Picks, Technology, Travel, Venture CapitalThere were 15 deals in week 5 of 2020 that were available on Traxcn, Inc42, and YourStory…
Weekly Review Meetings to Create A High Performance Culture
Yesterday, I did my 8th continuous weekly review meeting with Artha’s interns, analysts, associates, and heads of…
Startup Board Meetings 101
Most founders deem that their relationship with their board will be adversarial and combative.