Author: admin
Silver linings: Lighting up a revolution (with a pair of binoculars)
I am continuing on the same thread upon which I wrote last week, i.e., Finding Silver Linings in this lockdown
My Funding Picks For Last Week (W18)
Fundraising activity continues to slow down; therefore, my team and I had a tough time shortlisting our favorite picks…
Sponsorship Sunday: Savety – The Instant Smart Water Tap
As washing your hands for at least 20 seconds has become an essential duty and on an average a person washes…
Flashback Friday: CarveNiche Technologies
Categories: Brand, Entrepreneurship, Flashback Friday, Investments, Learning, Opinion, Venture CapitalAs I approach my personal goal of personally investing in 100 startups within 10 years…
Help us help you get that business partnership you want!
During my door to door salesman days, I could go through a wall if that meant I would get a referral to a potential sale.
Finding silver linings
The history of sports and wars is replete with moments of inspiration.