Author: admin
Your “Growth” is Hurting Your Job Interviews
Currently, I am in the middle of interviews to fill several positions at Artha and one of the first questions I ask candidates…
How to Secure a Job in Venture Capital
My team and I have been actively looking for 2-3 members to join us at Artha Venture Fund.
Can a Good Leader be a Good Friend?
I wanted to write a follow-on to my article on the interview of Confirmtkt founders, but the events of Feb 14th were too much to stay quiet about and I couldn’t stop myself from writing an open letter to the PM. Post that, my travel plans stole my focus for a couple of days, so here…
Video Of The Week: Vishal Krishna Interviews Confirmtkt Founders
A few days ago, I saw a Facebook live interview of Confirmtkt’s founders, Dinesh & Sripad.
Why Should the Investor Connect the Dots?
A comment on my post yesterday inspired my post for today.
How Big Hairy Audacious Numbers Hurt Founders
Yesterday, a founder was having a tough time trying to convince me on his business plan.