Author: admin
My Jabalpur Visit Confirms that Bharat is Booming!
I was part of the final jury that was judging business models at a weekend hackathon in Jabalpur.
Are Free Samples not Marketing Costs?
I am very interested in start-ups that have a subscription based revenue model and will be quick to pounce on any…
Nickel and Diming Lead to Jerry Fatigue
Founders that try to squeeze every penny out of me while fundraising are shooting themselves in the foot. It is simple…
A VC’s Analysis of the 2018 Box Office Results
The Indian Television industry is undergoing a massive change. Except for Shark Tank & Suits that are available on Ind…
How I Write My Daily Blog
Categories: LifestyleSeveral people have written to me asking how I find the time to write my daily blog post, a few even speculated that I…
The Down Rounds are Coming
There is a serious funding crunch in the early stage start-up ecosystem. Therefore, founders should get prepared to…