Category: Entrepreneurship
Let’s celebrate failures
Yesterday, an icon in the sports entertainment space – where I have innumerable memories with family, friends, team,…
Hiring & Payraise: Is It Time To Ramp Up?
Two contrasting events took place yesterday. First, as we got to the end of a board meeting, the founders initiated a…
Negative gross margins can bury your startup
In my last blog on gross margins, I had written about the importance of gross profits for a startup to survive in any…
My Funding Picks For Last Week (W34)
Last week, the ecosystem dropped below the 2 equity deals/day average, with 9 startups raising $12 million. It is the…
My Funding Picks For Last Week (W29)
Categories: Brand, Entrepreneurship, Investments, Learning, My Funding Picks, News, Opinion, Technology, Venture CapitalIt has been several weeks since our ecosystem breached the 2 deals/day average with 17 startups raising $106 million…
My Funding Picks For Last Week (W30)
Last week, the ecosystem breached the 2 deals/day average yet again with 15 startups raising $168 million. The recen…