Category: Lifestyle
Nikunj’s Wedding and a Business Idea
Over the last weekend, AVF Associate Nikunj married Chandni in a beautiful and intimate ceremony that took place in …
How I Write My Daily Blog
Categories: LifestyleSeveral people have written to me asking how I find the time to write my daily blog post, a few even speculated that I…
Perfecting the Vacation Auto-Response
I have been finding ways to manage the dual stress of entrepreneur and venture capitalist through 7-day breaks with …
Why Founders Hammering Each Other is Important
In business, it is important to demarcate the line where friendship ends and “foundership” begins.
How Would You Deal with Superstardom?
For today’s post, I had decided to write a book review. But while browsing through,
Forgiveness Breaks the Fever from Verbal Venom
Last night I was out for dinner with some friends and we ran into a common friend…