Category: Opinion
The Paripassu is Killing Investor Interest
A marked increase in the number of angel investors joining the ecosystem has led to a problem of plenty for many..
That 1 Skill that Separates a Good CEO from a Great One
Being able to consistently predict and deliver accurate future outcomes is a skill that separates a good CEO…
What Should I do with my Business, while Fundraising?
Last Friday, Siddharth and I were in Bangalore talking to a group of entrepreneurs that were being incubate…
When Should I Pull the Plug?
When is the right time for an investor to give up working with a venture?…
Is Hong Kong’s Octopus Card a Model for Mumbai?
I am in Hong Kong attending the Rise 2018 summit…
Contact Management Solution for Gifting
This year, I have chosen to simplify several things in my daily life, one of them being my 5000+ member contact…