Category: Opinion
Alternative Reward Systems for Top Performing Team Members
The greatest gift one could receive is the gift of growth. You could make a lot of money, live in mansions, and own an…
Hiring & Payraise: Is It Time To Ramp Up?
Two contrasting events took place yesterday. First, as we got to the end of a board meeting, the founders initiated a…
Negative gross margins can bury your startup
In my last blog on gross margins, I had written about the importance of gross profits for a startup to survive in any…
Summarizing my exit interview with a venture capital intern
Two interns finished their learning cycle with Artha this week. One of them wanted to speak to me and get my feedbac…
My Funding Picks For Last Week (W35)
Last week, the ecosystem bounced back with over 3 equity deals/day average, with 19 startups raising $70 million. It i…
My Funding Picks For Last Week (W29)
Categories: Brand, Entrepreneurship, Investments, Learning, My Funding Picks, News, Opinion, Technology, Venture CapitalIt has been several weeks since our ecosystem breached the 2 deals/day average with 17 startups raising $106 million…