Tag: Brand
My atrocious car buying experience is a lesson in after sales treatment for all founders!
I am re-reading How to Sell Anything to Anybody by Joe Girard…
Would you rather hear me or read me?
Yesterday I was in Lucknow attending SIDBI’s first Investor Day in honor of their foundation’s 29th anniversary.
My PR Experiment
Yesterday was an interesting day. I started off by tasting different blends of single shot coffee made by a start-up that…
Video Of The Week: Vishal Krishna Interviews Confirmtkt Founders
A few days ago, I saw a Facebook live interview of Confirmtkt’s founders, Dinesh & Sripad.
Aakash, Artha and Designer-as-a-Service
YourStory did a profile on one of Artha’s in-house companies Artha Creative Studio, led by Aakash Jethwani. He is a…
Modern retail will choke the life out of (young) consumer brands
A speaker at a recent closed-door conference that I attended, made a presentation on the different kinds of business…