Tag: Brand
All that Glitter is NOT for a Startup Founder
I find it extremely hard to empathise with founders who want to “maintain” a certain lifestyle with a large team and a
The Journey from 500k to 5 Billion Demolishes 5 long-held Startup Myths
It has been over a week now since the news of OYO’s $1 billion round and ascent to unicorn status became official. This..
Why did we Invest in Haazri?
There is a serendipity in deal-making once one summarises the events that lead to its closure…
Are Capsule Hotels the Future of Indian Hospitality?
The horrendous experience travelling to Hyderabad was definitely salvaged by the quality of interactions….
4 Reasons Jet Airways Has Been Reduced to Ashes
I have been a loyal Jet Airways customer for the past couple of years. Unfortunately, that role made me a…
Is this fast food or chemicals acting as food?
My mom sent me the link to this video last night which just happens to flow perfectly with my post on the…