Tag: Technology
Beware of This Type of Angel Investor!
Exactly a year ago, I wrote about a growing malaise in the angel investment ecosystem in the post You are NOT an angel investor.
The Curious Case of Longfin
On 18th December, 2017, I had written about the run-up in Nasdaq listed Longfin (Ticker: LFIN) as proof of a crypto bubble.
Kim Dotcom & Cryptos
Traditional business models have been upended by the advent of the internet.
Wowed by Wow! Momo
Over the past weekend I was a speaker & judge at the Odisha Startup Summit in Bhubaneshwar.
A FinTech IPO Shows That We Are in A Blockchain Bubble
A couple of weeks ago a small cap stock showed up on my India stock screener. My preliminary research yielded that ….
Uber Goes Free For The Week- my thoughts
Uber is free for you if you pay via the Uber wallet (T&C: 5 FREE rides up to Rs. 300 per ride).