Category: Opinion
Nikunj’s Wedding and a Business Idea
Over the last weekend, AVF Associate Nikunj married Chandni in a beautiful and intimate ceremony that took place in …
Video Of The Week: Who has earned the right to advise an Entrepreneur?
I am enamoured by video content, so I have decided to restart the “Video of the Week” section which …
My Angle on the Angel Tax Notification
Through a flurry of tweets, DIPP announced the changes that were made to alleviate the Angel Tax
Should VCs blindly be founder friendly?
Last night, I went for dinner with Mikhil where we got into the debate on whether VCs should be “founder friendly”…
Aakash, Artha and Designer-as-a-Service
YourStory did a profile on one of Artha’s in-house companies Artha Creative Studio, led by Aakash Jethwani. He is a…
My Jabalpur Visit Confirms that Bharat is Booming!
I was part of the final jury that was judging business models at a weekend hackathon in Jabalpur.